Easy & Delicious Miniature Almond Cakes April 20, 2020 Edit Miniature almond cakes. The mini version of the Norwegian almond cake. So easy to make and delicious. Find the recipe here. Yum! READ THE RECIPE HERE Share this post Related Posts Keebler, Cookies and Crackers, Variety Pack, 31.2 oz (30 Count) Almond Puff Almond Puff Pastry Easy Puff Pastry Blueberry Turnovers Keto 5-Minute Cinnamon Sugar Donut Holes (Gluten/Dairy/Sugar-Free) 11 Gluten-Free Sugar-Free Donut and Pastry Recipes for a Ketogenic Diet Quarkkuchen-Muffins Orange Creamsicle Fudge